# E391a DAQ meeting, Dec.13, 2001 Number of channels and data sizes. * PMT signal out : 1000ch * HV supply : 1000ch, 4 CAEN crates + 2 LeCroy crates * Amp+Discri. out : ADC 1000ch ADCsum 1000/8x2=250ch TDC 1000ch -> 2250ch in total * Data size : 4Byte/ch -> 10kB/event(without pedestal supression) 100Hz -> 1MB/sec = 80GB/day -> 7 TB of data size for 300 shifts of beam time. ADC * FASTBUS 1885N(96ch) x 12 modules. * 2 crates (7+5 modules) due to the maximum-current limitation of the power-supply module. (40A for -5.2/+5V, 10A for -2V, 6A for +-15V ) (35A for -5.2/+5V, A for -2V, A for +-15V ) -> 1 crate with High Power supply will be simple and easy to handle. Is there a High Power supply module ? TDC * TKO 64ch x 16 module. * 2 TKO crates (10+6 modules) due to the power-supply module. (50A for +5.2/-5.4V, A for +-8V, A for +-15V ) -> 1 crate system will be simple. TKO crate can stands so high power supply ? May be not. -> 1 CPU can handle multiple crates via multiple SMPs on the VME slot. No problem with 2 crates. Readout System * SPARC54 CPU with Solaris8 * NGF(SIS4100) as the FASTBUS-VME interface. o Channel-by-channel data reading is OK with SPARC54. o Block-transfer not achieved yet. o Pedestal suppression not tested yet. * (FPI-DPM (Belle system) still available.) (o Channel-by-channel data reading is OK with SPARC54.) (o Block-transfer not achieved yet.) * SCH-SMP as the TKO-VME interface. o Channel-by-channel data reading is OK with SPARC54. o Sparse-scanning(no data suppression) by SCH is OK. o Sparse-scanning(data suppression) by SCH not tested yet. o Block-transfer not tested yet. * One-CPU system or multiple-CPU system? (see system.txt) MIDAS ... Can handle multiple frontend ? Unidaq ... multiple frontend not supported. Need event collector. How to make sure the event number consistency from the multiple frontend? Computer and Network (see network.txt) * Sun workstation as a disk server for SPARC54. * Local address. (172.21.xxx.xxx) Can use kl-6(Linux) as a gateway. * Need PCs for storage server, run cotroller, online monitor, HV controller,.. Storage (see system.txt) * Three ideas. 1) Send data to KEKCC storage system via network. 2) Prepare a local DLT drive. 3) Two local DLTs. Redundant, easy to maintain than one system. * One DLT drive costs ~1 millon yen. * One DLT tape cartridge costs ~ 10,000 yen. 7 TB of data = 175 tapes ~ 1.75 millon yen. Trigger * Simple multiplicity logic? (NIM, 32-input logic available) * FPGA? (Any expert?) * Need several trigger condition: PhysicsRun, cosmic, beamtest, random, ... Amp+Discri. module test. * Need to study for o Linearity for charge output. o Cross talk. o Low threshold test ... works as we expect ? -> Should be done by Moriya-san (Yamagata Univ.) * Need to fix the circuit design. (Need to discuss with Elec. staffs.) o DC or AC coupling ? o Automatic correction mechanism for offset voltage? HV control * Midas can manage to control them. * Unidaq ... ? Cables see (cables.txt) * PMT -> (feedthrough for vacuum) -> AmpDiscri - 50¦¸ coaxial cable (RG174U, 40yen/m) - ~several meters x 1000ch. * Amp+Discri. -> Counting-hut o Shielded with the copper housing from the detector-hall to counting-hut. o Charge and charge_sum outputs: - 50¦¸ coaxial cable. - 90 meters x 1250ch = 100,000m Low noise, low attenuation required ? -> Several choices, but expensive, 400yen/m=40 million yen in total. Noise and attenuation not so serious ? -> RG58C/U (70yen/m, 7 millon yen). - LEMO type connectors for each edge. (LEMO or SUHNER) - ADC1885N has a special connector ... 48ch paddle card x 2. For now Paddle card -> coaxial(~3m) x 48 -> 17pair flat-connector x 3. Better to change it to Paddle card -> coaxial(1~2m) x 48 -> LEMO type connectors. - Need a patch panel before the ADC input. o Discriminated timing signal: - Twisted 17_pair cable. (430yen/m) - 30 meters x 64 = 2,000m (860,000yen) - 40 pin flat-connector each edge. (64 x 2 = 120 connectors) -> Shielded twist-pair might be better. Grounding, Noise test. * Create a good GND line at the detector hall. * All the GND line of the signal cables, HV, electronics, power supplies, should be connected to this GND line. * Leave the possibility of other grounding way. * Need to check the noise level of the signal line with the real setup of cabling. Layout of the electronics (see layout.txt)